Random Thoughts about Software Development and Cyber Security
by Olivier Vaillancourt
How HSTS can screw up your login to SaaS applications like the Azure CLI
Very (even very very) specific issue where HSTS interfers with login that open a web browser
Slow Startup for ASP.NET Core application using Azure Keyvault configuration provider
Application startup time correlates with number of secrets in KeyVault
Removing misleading IDX10501 logs when using multiple authentication schemes in ASP.NET Core 3.1
Because getting IDX10501: Signature validation failed. Unable to match key when the request actually succeeds is a pain
Started a collection of 'Today I Learned' (til) items
small, fast, precise little information nuggets
How I updated an Auth0 Webtask to use Async/Await and why I like it so much
Using async/await got rid of 3 levels of indentation.. that is huge for maintainability